Jesus Christ Crucified is the one and
only Object of our minds and hearts...
The spirituality of the Lovers of the Holy Cross is embodied in the very name of the Institute which the Founder had chosen. It is the spirit of mortification and sacrifice because of love:
The love for Jesus Christ Crucified on the cross, who laid down His life to prove His greatest love for God the Father and all people;
The love for His cross and the willingness to accept the cross of oneself with a strong conviction that "in my flesh, I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the Church." This love:
Unites the Sisters in a special way to the salvific works of Jesus Christ;
Develops the spirit of solidarity with the sufferings of humanity;
Overflows the Sisters' hearts with the joy and hope springing from the belief in the Resurrection.
Spirit of Contemplation
Fixing one's gaze and heart on the Crucified Christ with an extraordinary love, that is intellectual, affective and effective; - Nurturing a deep spiritual life by reflection, meditation, and affective contemplation with a simple, pure vision.
Spirit of Mortification
The Cross is the greatest manifestation of the love of Christ for God the Father and for all humankind. As the Sisters of the Lovers of the Holy Cross, we willingly accept the Cross daily in order to give testimony to the greatest love for the Crucified Christ and for our brothers and sisters. According to the teachings of Bishop Lambert: - Mortification manifests a "realistic love for the Cross of the Son of God."; this love leads to "an extraordinary love" reserved for the Crucified Christ.
Spirit of Apostolate
The Lovers of the Holy Cross are called to live the apostolic spirit, and to practice the missionary approach of the Founder. The Founder encouraged the Sisters to live the spirit of mediation, in imitation of the Savior, when fulfilng the mission. The Lovers of the Holy Cross are to bear the compassionate heart and become the visible hands of Christ Crucified: - To share the suffering of her people and to comfort them, especially women and youth; - To offer those gifts of suffering in union with the sacrificial offering on the Cross of the Redeemer.
The call to a consecrated life in the Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross is a precious gift of God. It enables the Sisters to participate in the Founder's spirituality and apostolate by means of:
Totally directing her mind, heart, and life toward "Jesus Christ Crucified, her sole object"
Living as a disciple in mission to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to participate in building the local Church.
The Charism of the Lovers of the Holy Cross is embodied in the Institute's purpose and mission; once received and acted upon by each Sister, this charism will help her live joyfully while offering herself to the service of others to glorify God.
The purpose of the Lovers of the Holy Cross is to know, love and offer oneself totally to Jesus Christ by diligently contemplating, remembering, and imitating His sacrificial life on earth.

"You belong entirely to Jesus Christ, because you have offered yourselves completely to Him."
Servant of God, Bishop Pierre Lambert de la Motte